Friday, July 12, 2013

Change is Scary, but Good .

Since the time I started blogging over two years ago, I have always attempted to keep myself to a required schedule of writing a post a day (with the exception of a few terms of hiatus). For many people, having such a schedule usually only induces stress and disappointment as they struggle to deal with chaotic schedules both personally and professionally. For the most part, I have found the allotted time slot in which to write a welcome reprieve from the busy days that fill my life. However, over the past month or so, I am beginning to realize that there is just too much going on right now, and I have no doubt that when school starts that will only multiply. While I think that writing everyday is great and has been a real benefit for me, it is quite evident, especially in the past few weeks, that it has become another weight that I can only attempt to balance, and that my blog has been neglected a bit lately.

That being said, I've decided that I'm not going to try to require to post everyday anymore. I initially had expectations of something like a daily insight or something like that, and when I publish them into books I would have that for years to come. But, while not always welcome, change is something that happens whether we want it to or not, inadvertent or desired. And often times, if change is pushing that hard, the best thing to do is relinquish your grasp on the past and simply allow it to run its course. While I am mildly disappointed at giving up on the initial plan, I think that writing when inspiration hits me most will allow each and every one of my posts to be a more of a true gem, rather than a forced insight to the day.

In many ways, not keeping to a schedule often contributes to a forgotten blog. But just because the schedule isn't every day doesn't mean that it can't exist at all. I haven't quite decided what to do just yet. I wonder if maybe a schedule is just silly. But I do like the idea of something on Monday mornings, something to kick off the week for readers on a high note. So that's that for right now.

Moving in a slightly different direction, I've begun to write a lot of snail mail. Some people respond and some people don't, but regardless it's fun to send stuff out. It's even more fun to get return letters in the mail from friends. I'd like to extend the invitation to all the readers out there of sending mail back and forth. A few weeks ago I got a letter from Angie from "the best part of my day" and it was one of the best things I could have received. It really picked me up that day and honestly carried me through the whole week! I also am planning to set up a sort of quarterly newsletter that just sort of contains things about my life to keep my friends in the loop. It's not something they need to respond to, but it at least keeps people in the loop, even if they don't respond. Maybe it will be a good replacement for my lack of a Facebook. Probably more fun too, because you can keep it tucked away somewhere. Who knows. Something I want to try at least. If you're interested, feel free to shoot me an email at asmallpieceofgodsplan(at)

And finally, I'm opening the floor to guest-posters! Admittedly I don't have a ton of followers so it's not like you're going to get huge amounts of publicity, but if you have something you'd like to talk about, a topic you'd like commented on round-table fashion, or just ramblings you'd like to be shared, hit me up. Even if you just want to shoot the shit for a while through email. Hope you all have a wonderful end to the week.


  1. I agree with not requiring yourself posting every single day - I don't see how anyone does that anyway. I take a less-is-more approach to blogging.

    1. It ain't easy. You really have to set aside time for it in order to work. I used to do it right before bed, it was the best time and emptied my mind of thoughts!

  2. i don't take it too seriously and i think you already know that i don't post every day.
    i think of it as a place where i write when i need to. selfish reason? haha.

    love the idea of guest-post

    1. I think that, while many of us have an audience, you sort of start a blog for yourself, for your own personal reasons. Having readers and interactions along the way is just icing on the cake.

  3. ive come to realize that you dont have to post every day, although i used to feel like i had to. now, i post when i want, and what i want. whether it be a short story, a poem, an update, or even just a picture. but i agree that since writing is such a creative outlet for us, its good to always set some time aside for it :) your posts always get me thinking!

    1. Thanks so much Kayla! I've loved your posts ever since I started following too!

  4. Life is yours friend. If writing every single day doesn't work or causes you any sort of guilt or stress, it's not worth it. Your mind is a fragile and beautiful thing. Take it from someone who is cracked. I only write when I feel well, and that's very sporadic. I would love to snail mail you. My personal email is and I can give you my address there!

    1. Sounds great Vanessa, I'll be in touch soon!

  5. Cheers for the shout-out, Greg! I'm loving our snail mail correspondence too.
    On my To Do List week - write you back!


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