Thursday, August 2, 2012

beginning of the end .

And so it's August. This is the time when everyone starts shitting their pants because they realize that the return of class, homework and projects is just around the corner. And yet, while there are certainly some bittersweet moments, I'm excited for the final year of school. Endings are tough, but always yield new beginnings. The most exciting thing I'm excited for is to really begin polishing my skills as a future architect. Hopefully these future skills will be able to get me a real job for next summer, something that will continue to help me learn architecture!

So with two weeks left of summer, you ask yourself, what am I going to do? All of a sudden there is a realization that summer is almost over, and even though 2 weeks is probably a good sixth of the total time you have, it still doesn't feel like any time at all. Remembering back to the beginning of the summer and all that I had planned to do, as usual, I didn't get as much done as I thought I was going to. But I feel like that's usually the name of the game unless you're really on top of things. It's life, you know?

So it's the home stretch; it's time to work hard and time to finish out my undergraduate career with a bang. And while it may be sad to think about the Clemson chapter of my life closing, I'm quite excited for the paths that come ahead. Summer may be close to over, but the rest of my life is just beginning!

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