Friday, November 25, 2011

Barcelona: Day 94 : Quotables .

Lucy Maud Montgomery was quoted saying "In this world you've got to hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever God sends."

I've always heard the saying hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I completely agree -- and perhaps that's a bit more of a pessimistic view on life, but hoping is still always good. But the last part made me check myself a bit, the part about taking whatever God sends.

Immediately I thought of when I was sick over here. Obviously, you hope for the best when you come here, that you won't get sick, or injured, or God forbid hospitalized. You fill out all the cultural insurance stuff and basically assume you won't need to use it. But things do happen -- and thank goodness I had the insurance and was able to visit a doctor that helped me out with getting that taken care of.

Having that insurance was preparing for the worst. Reading over the policy, it covers anything and everything -- even death. Now, I would certainly hope that some poor family wouldn't lose their child while they were studying abroad, but I'm sure it's possible in some obscure way. The policy is there, just in case. In the event of a 'worst case scenario,' it's there.

I think there are a lot of things in life that can be pretty daunting, especially at the time where I'm at right now. Within the next ten years I face taking licensing exams, graduation, getting into graduate school, finding a job, moving out of my parents' house, finding a place to live, potentially getting married; I mean all of those things are a pretty big deal. I'm hoping it all goes smoothly, but if the shit hits the fan I'm going to have to deal with it no matter what. But I'm counting on the fact that things will be okay -- I'm pretty sure God won't send anything unmanageable.

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