Monday, April 23, 2012

writing and writing to.

When I first started this blog I used to just write. It didn't really matter if I had readers or not because they didn't exist. I just spilled out whatever came to mind. Although, as time goes on the inevitable happens and you meet some other bloggers, you comment on people's stuff, and your blog gets a little bit of recognition.

Now some people are blogger addicts (not saying that's a bad thing) and put an awful lot of time into not only writing but reading other people's blogs, looking up new blogs, adding comments. I purposely limit myself a bit what I comment on, because if I comment on everything then I feel like my comments have less validity and purpose. That way people will know that if I commented, then I was really touched and it'll mean a lot more.

Anyways, main point I'm getting at here is that I really feel like I've connected with some people and that I really have an audience now. And they may not comment all the time and quite possible not everything I write is interesting to them, but that's cool. But for the first time, I finally feel like I get the privilege of writing to you guys instead of just writing in general. And that, well, that makes it all worth it.

In the future, I look forward to many more adventures, both in the blogging world and not, and I look forward to making connections to people too -- digitally, electronically, through snail mail, in person -- it doesn't matter. There are tons of people out there. But in this world, even just having a few to read your thoughts can make your day, every day.


  1. Can I just say...over the years I've learned that making connections with people is rare. Like REALLY rare. We must nurture relationships to keep them alive. It's hard. We're all busy with stuff. I treasure the blogging relationships I've made. You're a dear one, Greg. We're listening and we're reading.....keep it up!

    1. Thanks Angie. Great to have you, both as a follower and a friend! Such a shame the meetup in TO didn't work out

  2. Now I feel like I shouldn't comment as much! :P I feel the need to always share my thoughts, and I completely agree and can't wait to further our connections(:

    1. Oh, feel free to comment as much as you like Stephanie. Looking forward to maybe some coffee with you this summer!


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