Saturday, December 31, 2011

pure kindness .

It's been awhile since I've been back home, and actually hung out with old friends. I did that tonight, and it was nice. But what has struck me lately is a sort of attitude change that was in my friends. They seem different. Or maybe, I'm the different one. Maybe I've been a better person lately. Either way, there is a noticeable abundance of kindness, selflessness and generosity from these people.

There are a few in particular that I want to mention. The first is one of my good buddies from high school. Originally, I met him in CCD (I have no idea what the acronym stands for, but it was basically the equivalent of Catholic Bible School to prepare ourselves for the sacrament of Confirmation) but he turned into a close friend after we ended up going to the same high school. There was a group of friends that hung out in my high school that seemed to forget about me after college started. This guy invited me to a few get togethers this break, and was pestering me about being able to go snowboarding together (which, unfortunately, I won't be able to do because I am seriously lacking financial funds to do so).

The second is an old friend I initially met at a Breast Cancer Vigil in high school. I'll never forget when we all went outside to light the candles, she asked for a light and I rapidly whipped out my lighter, arising the suspicion that I was a smoker. I jokingly denied the accusations, but I'm pretty sure I was at that point, at least a little. She bought me a book this Christmas after I wasn't able to find a suggestion of hers in the library to check out. It was so kind, and really thoughtful, and I really really enjoyed the book (already finished it, so you can tell how good it was).

The last is an ex-girlfriend from years ago. She and I ended really badly, but have since rebuilt our friendship slowly but surely. It's been a long process, and a careful one at that. I don't know what compelled her to do it, but when I showed up to her house today (I'm friends with her brother) she surprised me with a book called "101 Things I Learned in Architecture School." Boom; hit the nail on the head. I skimmed through it briefly and it looks really interesting! This really surprised me, I was shocked that after all we'd been through, here she was, gift in hand, for me.

I would hope that I am this person on occasion for other people. That I can be what these people were and are for me -- great all around friends. It's not about the literal things. It's about the principles; the principles of generosity and kindness, the principles of friendship. I really value all of them... and wish them the best as they travel into the new year.

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