Saturday, February 5, 2011

i know it's late...

I didn't write a blog for yesterday, so I'd like to do that now. Apologies on its lateness, but it just happens every so often. Last night I pulled an almost-all-nighter with Josh. We were in the library for awhile, working on things that we both needed to get done. Time passes, we procrastinate, and more time passes, and eventually the night slips away.

Spending all night in the library is always an experience, and this time was no different. It's kinda strange because if you begin to make the late night deal a habit, you eventually begin to realize the routines of other people. Once it begins to empty out, you realize that you see these people every night. The same ones, the people who begin to seem almost nocturnal. It's the same way with studio.

Fortunately, I haven't really spent much time in Cooper to date. But last night was an interesting experience. First of all, the remodel they did to the fourth floor (and I suppose other portions as well) and it's quite nice -- yet a terrible use of space. Now, I could get into a whole bunch of architectural complaints because I'm nitpicky like that after being in such a major, but I'll sweep that under the rug for now.

The point is that being in the library seems to sort of freeze time. The background hum of the air conditioners or the heaters and that rush of air going around the building slowly becomes more prominent as the night progresses. The sun has been down, and as you watch the rays fade behind the wispy clouds, it will set and soon rise again -- all while you have still been at the library.

So me and Josh were working there with a few other people, but they slowly left. I think by the time we left there were only 2 or 3 other people still working there. To be honest, I'm amazed that there were any there at all.

It also marked the point where I had an energy drink for the first time. I know they're terrible for you, and I've tried Red Bull before, but I've never been a big energy drink guy. My verdict? They're okay. Though just because they taste alright doesn't make them physically any better for you. However, I'm not really one to talk, given that I probably drink a soda at least once a day.... probably should change that.

I guess the whole point of this point is I just wanted to comment on the fact of that sorta creepy silent library atmosphere. The world shuts down at a certain point -- but I have to say, I absolutely love it.

Lyric of the day:
"maybe we're just trying to hard, when really it's closer than it is too far"

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