Sunday, May 8, 2011

winding down .

With only two tests to take during finals week, the inevitable begins to set in, that we all must leave and move back to what may not even be considered home anymore. I don't like packing, but it usually doesn't take me long. Either way, I know it's coming, and I purposely told my parents it was fine if they waited to come until the weekend because that way I'd have a few days to just relax in Clemson, after getting through the two hardest semesters of my life.

It's interesting to think that I won't be back in South Carolina until January 2012. Study abroad will really be a pretty crazy experience. It's gonna be too bad to miss out on seeing a lot of people as well, as many have sort of become your family over the past few semesters. As it is, it is inevitable that people will fall out of touch, though it is my hope that through things like email and skype, that won't happen too much.

It's unbelievable that the semester is already over, and even more importantly, that the years of my undergraduate study have, in the blink of an eye, been halved. I can't believe that overall, I am 1/3 of the way finished with my schooling, at which point I will truly be immersed into the full and real adult world. I'm worried about my entrance into this world, and whether or not I'll even be able to find a job.

But as for now, I'm pretty satisfied with the semester ending and being able to relax again and make some money. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

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